weight loss surgery

Weight loss surgery is only the first step in dealing with excessive body weight, and the post-surgery diet is as important as the procedure itself. That is to say, if you have made it this far, do not stop just yet. The procedure itself is not sufficient. You also need to follow a diet designed specifically for this purpose. In today’s blog post, we focus on a balanced diet after weight loss surgery.

The Health Clinic’s nutrition specialist Anni Laas confirms that the post-bariatric surgery diet is different from other diets because the points of emphasis vary in different post-op periods. “Post-weight loss surgery nutrition varies. Nutrition recommendations change as time progresses and may differ depending on the type of surgery performed (bypass, mini-bypass, sleeve and plication). We have compiled a comprehensive lifestyle guide for our patients, which includes special recipes that help them navigate the different post-op stages systematically and with ease. From the perspective of an individual approach, it is highly recommended to involve a consultant who can assist the patient and help them deal with any problems, if necessary.”

After surgery, you need to change your eating and drinking habits. You need to follow nutrition recommendations, the aim of which is to ensure a balanced, optimum diet in conditions where food portions have been reduced significantly and food absorption is not as it used to be. “By following these instructions, you will be able to prevent nutrient deficiencies and avoid excessive loss of muscle mass,” explains Laas. “This way, you are more likely to achieve the desired weight loss and avoid complications and later weight gain.”

Anni Laas stresses that post-weight loss surgery nutrition requires full attention, and it is necessary to fully adapt to post-op nutrition and lifestyle changes. According to Laas, the new lifestyle must become a part of daily life. “In addition to an adjusted diet, patients should also take the food supplements recommended by their nutrition specialist or surgeon, engage in physical activity and regularly (at least once a year) monitor their blood composition in cooperation with their doctor,” says Laas and adds that the best possible results are achieved via cooperation between the medical team and the patient and a complex approach.


Why regulate your diet after weight loss surgery?

  • This helps you get accustomed to eating smaller portions, so that your new, smaller stomach would be able to digest the food consumed.
  • It also regulates and maintains the balance of your body weight and
  • helps mitigate post-surgery risks.

There are no universal nutrition solutions because each of us is different and unique. The diet will help you return to eating solid foods, which will take around two months.


7 diet suggestions to consider after weight loss surgery

  • Drink liquids to stay sufficiently hydrated. NB! Drink water 20-30 minutes before and after not during your meals.
  • Eat and drink slowly to prevent large quantities of food or liquids from reaching the small intestine too fast.
  • We recommend eating food that has been puréed with a hand blender for the first few weeks. After a few weeks, you can start eating soft foods (cottage cheese, eggs, boiled vegetables, etc.), which we recommend that you chew thoroughly until they have a puree-like texture.
  • Eat high-protein foods, such as eggs, fish, chicken, turkey, low-fat dairy products and tofu daily. The menu should consist of foods with a low sugar and fat content.
  • Make sure to avoid alcohol.
  • Approximately eight weeks after the surgery, you will be able to return to your usual healthy menu and start eating solid food, but you need to avoid carbonated drinks and foods that are spicy or have a high fat or added sugar content.


Read more about how a gastric balloon can improve the quality of your life and the myths and reality behind bariatric surgery.


If you want to book an appointment for a consultation, do not hesitate to contact us.