Dr. Saarts tok eksamen ved medisinsk fakultet ved Unversitetet i Tartu i 1993 og har siden spesialisert seg i øre-, nese-, og hals-relatert kirurgi. Hun utfører alle typer nesteplastiske operasjoner og kan se tilbake på 15 års yrkeserfaring i offentlig sektor og 3 vellykkede år ved The Health Clinic. Dr. Saarts er medlem av Tallinn legeforening og Estlands øre-nese-hals og hode-nakke-kirurgers selskap siden 1996.
1995 – 1998 Residency at Mustamäe Hospital
1993 – 1995 Internship at Mustamäe Hospital
1986 – 1993 Faculty of Medicine of Tartu University
1975 – 1986 Põltsamaa High School
2009 – ….. The Health Clinic LLC
1998 – ….. North Estonia Medical Centre
* Finnish Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeons Association since 2014 (Suomen Korvakirurgiyhdistys ry).
* Tallinn’s Doctors Society since 2003.
* Estonian Ear, Nose and Throat and Head and Neck Surgeons Society since 1996.
1. Finnish Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeons Spring Symposium, Finland
2. 3rd Congress of European ORL-HNS, Prague
1. Finnish Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeons Summer Symposium, Finland
2. Finnish Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeons Winter Symposium, Finland
1. Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeons World Congress, Seoul, South Korea
1. Functional Sinuses Surgery and Basis Surgery, Vienna, Austria
1. 5th Baltic ENT Congress, Riga University, Latvia
2. XXXI Congress of the Nordic Association of Otolaryngology, Helsinki, Finland
3. Intercontinental Rhinoplasty, Utrecht University, Netherlands
1. Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery Training Course, Leipzig, Germany
1. Ear, Nose and Throat International Federation Otorinolar Society World Congress, Sao Paulo, Brasil
2. Surgical Aspects of BAHA, Tallinn, Estonia
3. Temporal Bone Dissection Course, Barcelona, Spain
1. Otosclerosis & Stapes Surgery Workshop, Biarritz, France
2. Baltic Congress, Pärnu, Estonia
1. Providence Hospital, Temporal Bone Dissection Course, Alabama, USA
1. Congress of the European Rhinologic Society, Tampere, Finland
2. Rhinoplasty, Facial Plasty Conference, Istanbul, Turkey,
1. Ear, Nose and Throat International Federation Otorinolar Society World Congress, Rome, Italy
2. Cadaver Functional Endonasal Sinus Surgery Course, Tartu, Estonia
3. Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Course, Tampere, Finland
4. Helsinki University, Temporal Bone Dissection Course, Helsinki, Finland
5. Baltic Congress, Vilnius, Lithuania
1. European Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Head and Neck Surgery, Rhodos, Greece
1. Baltic Congress, Riga, Latvia
2 Temporal Bone Dissection Course, Rome, Italy
3. Earlobe Reconstructive Surgery Workshop, dr. Jorma Rautio, Tallinn, Estonia
1. Temporal Bone Dissection Course, Innsbruck, Austria