Dr. Aet Saarts on kõrva-nina-kurguarst, kes on 2002. aastast saadik teostanud rinoplastika operatsioone, olles täna üks juhtivaid ja kogenuimaid ninakirurge selles vallas Eestis.
The Health Clinicus töötab dr. Saarts ettevõtte esimestest päevadest alates ning ta teeb igal aastal üle 60 rinoplastika operatsiooni. Ühtlasi on tema igapäevatöö Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaiglas kõrva-nina-kurguarstina, kus ta opereerib keerulisemaid juhtumeid.
Dr. Saarts on oma töös väga põhjalik ja professionaalne ning suhtub kõikidesse patsientidesse väga sooja südamega. Ta kuulub Tallinna Arstide Liitu ning Eesti Kõrva-Nina-Kurguarstide ja Pea- ja Kaelakirurgide Seltsi.
1995 – 1998 Mustamäe Haigla – Residentuur
1993 – 1995 Mustamäe Haigla – Internatuur
1986 – 1993 Tartu Ülikool – Arstiteaduskond
1975 – 1986 Põltsamaa Keskkool
2009 – ….. The Health Clinic
1998 – ….. Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla
1. Estonian Society of Ear-Nose-Throat and Head & Neck Surgeons Joint Seminar with Ophthalmologists, moderator, Tallinn, Estonia
1. Estonian Society of Ear-Nose-Throat and Head & Neck Surgeons Joint Seminar with Estonian Dental Association and Estonian Orthodontic Society, performer, moderator, Tartu, Estonia
2. Estonian Society of Ear-Nose-Throat and Head & Neck Surgeons Summer Seminar, performer, Kuressaare, Estonia
1. Finnish Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeons Workshop, Turku, Finland
2. Rhinology World Congress 2017, Hong Kong
1. Finnish Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeons Workshop, Pallas, Finland
2. Rhinological Disorders – A Health Priority for the Future, Stockholm, Sweden
3. Estonian Society of Ear-Nose-Throat and Head & Neck Surgeons Summer Seminar, Pärnu, Estonia
1. Finnish Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeons Spring Symposium, Finland
2. 3rd Congress of European ORL-HNS, Prague
3. Estonian Society of Ear-Nose-Throat and Head & Neck Surgeons Summer Seminar, Estonia
4. North-Estonia Medical Centre Autumn Seminar, Tallinn, Estonia
1. Finnish Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeons Summer Symposium, Finland
2. Finnish Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeons Winter Symposium, Finland
1. Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeons World Congress, Seoul, South Korea
1. Functional Sinuses Surgery and Basis Surgery, Vienna, Austria
1. 5th Baltic ENT Congress, Riga University, Latvia
2. XXXI Congress of the Nordic Association of Otolaryngology, Helsinki, Finland
3. Intercontinental Rhinoplasty, Utrecht University, Netherlands
1. Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery Training Course, Leipzig, Germany
1. Ear, Nose and Throat International Federation Otorinolar Society World Congress, Sao Paulo, Brasil
2. Surgical Aspects of BAHA, Tallinn, Estonia
3. Temporal Bone Dissection Course, Barcelona, Spain
1. Otosclerosis & Stapes Surgery Workshop, Biarritz, France
2. Baltic Congress, Pärnu, Estonia
1. Providence Hospital, Temporal Bone Dissection Course, Alabama, USA
1. Congress of the European Rhinologic Society, Tampere, Finland
2. Rhinoplasty, Facial Plasty Conference, Istanbul, Turkey,
1. Ear, Nose and Throat International Federation Otorinolar Society World Congress, Rome, Italy
2. Cadaver Functional Endonasal Sinus Surgery Course, Tartu, Estonia
3. Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Course, Tampere, Finland
4. Helsinki University, Temporal Bone Dissection Course, Helsinki, Finland
5. Baltic Congress, Vilnius, Lithuania
1. European Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Head and Neck Surgery, Rhodos, Greece
1. Baltic Congress, Riga, Latvia
2 Temporal Bone Dissection Course, Rome, Italy
3. Earlobe Reconstructive Surgery Workshop, dr. Jorma Rautio, Tallinn, Estonia
1. Temporal Bone Dissection Course, Innsbruck, Austria